Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Cake is a Lie!

So I have a few day off this week leading up to the new year. I decided to use my time wisely by catching up on a few things, namely chores/house work, creative projects, and video games!

Speaking of video games...

Just minutes ago, I completed one of the most satisfying single player gaming experiences I have ever gone through. I beat Portal, one of the best games of 2007. It had long been on my list of games to play. Knowing that the game was relatively short, I decided to sit down with it to see what the hype was all about. Boy was I totally NOT let down. This game is fantastic. I was really afraid all of the hype would just build my expectation to impossible levels and ultimately lead me to a major let down. Even with my knowledge of the general premise and unique game mechanic, the gameplay felt utterly refreshing. The game design was impressively elegant and the pacing was masterful. I think anyone who gave Portal a chance understand what I'm talking about. Portal easily lands a place on my list of "best games I've played this year." Speaking of best games I've played this year, I think I'm going to go finish Braid!