Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Just a few more days...

until marathon day! I'm feeling pretty good about it. However, I admit I am a bit nervous about my knee. My knee has started giving me some problems in the last couple of weeks. There is some discomfort in my left knee and I'm hoping it doesn't worsen during the run. I'm convinced that it's my iliotibial band (ITB Syndrome). It was worse last year after some careless training. This year, I decided to train smarter and I was hoping to stay completely injury free this season. All was going so well until a couple of weeks ago. I've just purchased a knee brace/sleeve and patella knee straps in hopes of reducing the discomfort during the marathon. I'll have to get out there to give those straps some test runs first though. Well, wish me luck!

1 comment:

Lawrence Tam said...

age has set in my friend.

Like in a conan o'brien skit:

in the year 2000, we will all have fake knees.